#include "nrf.h" #include "app_error.h" #include "bsp.h" #include "app_pwm.h" #include "nrf_delay.h" APP_PWM_INSTANCE(PWM0,0); // Create the instance "PWM0" using TIMER0. void pwm_ready_callback(uint32_t pwm_id) // PWM callback function { ready_flag = true; } int main(void) { ret_code_t err_code; /* 2-channel PWM, 1000Hz, output on p0.17 & p0.18 */ app_pwm_config_t pwm0_cfg = APP_PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_2CH(1000L, 17, 18); /* Switch the polarity of the second channel. */ pwm0_cfg.pin_polarity[0] = APP_PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH; pwm0_cfg.pin_polarity[1] = APP_PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVE_LOW; app_pwm_init(&PWM0,&pwm0_cfg,pwm_ready_callback); app_pwm_enable(&PWM0); ready_flag = false; while (app_pwm_channel_duty_set(&PWM0, 0, 0) == NRF_ERROR_BUSY); while (!ready_flag); ready_flag = false; while (app_pwm_channel_duty_set(&PWM0, 1, 0) == NRF_ERROR_BUSY); while (!ready_flag); uint32_t value; while (true) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 40; ++i) { value = (i < 20) ? (i * 5) : (100 - (i - 20) * 5); ready_flag = false; // Set the duty cycle - keep trying until PWM is ready... while (app_pwm_channel_duty_set(&PWM0, 0, value) == NRF_ERROR_BUSY); // ... or wait for callback. while (!ready_flag); APP_ERROR_CHECK(app_pwm_channel_duty_set(&PWM0, 1, value)); nrf_delay_ms(25); } } }
函式APP_PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_2CH(1000L, 17, 18);PWM模組有兩個頻道輸出,為channel0為P0.17,channel1為P0.18,頻率為1000Hz。
pwm0_cfg.pin_polarity[0] = APP_PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH;
channel0 的PWM POLARITY為High。
pwm0_cfg.pin_polarity[1] = APP_PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVE_LOW;
channel1 的PWM POLARITY為Low。
channel0 的PWM POLARITY為High。
pwm0_cfg.pin_polarity[1] = APP_PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVE_LOW;
channel1 的PWM POLARITY為Low。
函式app_pwm_channel_duty_set(&PWM0, 0, value);channel0 pwm duty設定,value為0~100。